Posted January 2017 by Joslin Lee
Rather than suffering from cumulative anxiety, some pets may just become apprehensive from interruptions to their daily routine (hey - change can be stressful!)

Posted December 2017
It’s that time of year when fireworks and bottles are poppin’. We love to send the past year out with a bang, but this can sometimes prove to be more stressful than celebratory for our dogs.

Posted June 2017 by Lindsey Stluka
The Fourth of July is one of the most festive days of the year in the United States. But more pets run away on the 4th than on any other day of the year.

Posted January 2017 by Joslin Lee
Every dog carries its own personality traits: its likes, dislikes, wants & fears. Certain dogs may carry more of the fear trait, causing them to be more anxious