Posted April 2017 by Joslin Lee
You are what you eat: We're familiar with this saying because our moms would so graciously interject it whilst we gobbled down a sleeve of cookies.

Posted April 2017 by Joslin Lee
Getting down to the nitty gritty of bowel health: There are elements of a dog's behind that are important to understand (though not so pleasant to talk about)

Posted April 2017 by Joslin Lee
So you saw our top three for cats, but you don't really care because you have a dog. Well, here they are: 1. Microflora Plus 2. Sound Dog Viscosity 3. Glimmer

Posted March 2017 by Joslin Lee
If you’re just hearing about our company, we have a few recommendations to get you started. Start out with: 1. Bladder Care, 2. Sassy Cat, 3. Microflora Kitty